All the planning for these events would kick off the day
you started back to school for the autumn term.
You would collect bits and pieces of timber from the hedgerows for the
bonfire from the end of September right through to the night itself. You would be out waiting for the conkers to
fall, prise open the conker casements that nature hadn’t always completed to
expose the liverish brown, shiny new conker that you hoped was going to be the
conker that no other kid could crack.
Then you would be off around the farm labourers asking them to keep
their eyes open for the largest, roundest turnip or swede for the Halloween
lantern and your mind was ever full of the most ghoulish, frightening face for
your Halloween mask as well as the apple bobbing competition which entailed
getting a bite out of an apple that was suspended across the classroom on a string
head height as well as, getting a bite out of an apple that was floating in a
bowl of water with hands clasped behind your back. This was no done deal. Everything in those days was competition. There was a prize for the most imaginative mask,
a prize for the most illuminating lantern and also a prize for the most
competent apple bobber. And last but not
least, the making of Guy Fawkes himself that we all took so seriously. The arguments and banter that created. No two people’s minds effigy is ever the same
or it certainly didn’t appear to be so then.
A trolley would be made to wheel him around on and as you knocked on
every door almost before the door was open a group of screaming kids were
shouting, “A penny for the guy.” The
money raised would go into a small fund to purchase fireworks, Catherine
Wheels, Roman Fountains, Rockets, Bangers to name but a few.
Guy Fawkes Night was
quite a big deal. Every village had a
bonfire party where the whole village would take part. There would be jacket potatoes and sausages
all ate with relish in the glow of the bonfire. And the cheer that went up just
as the flames consumed Guy Fawkes on the top of the fire. Happy days.
The bonfire was always in a grass field in the middle of the village,
more often than not the field had been grazed by the local dairy herd. Every village had one and pranks were a
Bonfire night was a very adult evening for us kids and
the older girls who would never look at any of us younger lads other than with
complete contempt were very often the targets in their tight mini-skirts. As the fire was burning we would look for a
cowpat and insert a banger. These were
called in those days either a Cannon, Little Demon or just plain Banger. The Little Demon for this particular prank
was always the obvious choice. We would
engage the help of an older kid who had had no joy at all with these long
legged older girls to get them in conversation two or three meters from the
cowpat which was to be duly ignited.
Once in conversation an ember stick from the fire would be chosen,
walked back around into the darkness and approach this group of long legged
girls who were deep in conversation and flirting watching the bright, brilliant
bonfire. The blue touch paper was
ignited and then we stood back and listened and watched. A muffled bang followed by an “Urgh” was the
sound and sight which sent us kids into absolute hysterics, as now the girls
were trying to brush off the back of their legs making their situation even
more unpleasant and with all the comments that followed pretty untenable. When I look back, it was a truly awful,
disgusting prank. However, the girls
didn’t seem to hold any malice as when the Christmas party arrived, they too
would joke about the very same prank.
All these events, especially bonfire night are all so
different nowadays. Our rockets were a
foot long, just launched from a milk bottle.
The bangers used for the cowpats were three inches long. Roman Candles eight to ten inches long. Catherine Wheels three or four inches
across. They were good time fireworks
for people with no money who were just out for a good time. And what I remember about those times were
nights filled with laughter, a belly full of good basic food and an evening
that was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. So much different to the bonfire parties of
The majority of working class people have long left the
villages so each village sadly no longer has its own bonfire night. The evening is now more of the preserve of
the small towns where the population of the villages now go to be entertained. If entertained is the right word. It is an evening where buckets are passed
through the crowd for a donation for the fireworks and ear protection for those
who want it. The fireworks arrive in
pickup trucks. An effigy of a Guy is
nowhere to be seen and once the fire is lit and the fireworks ignited the whole
experience resembles something of an imagery of the Siege of Sarajevo. Kids screaming everywhere because of the
hideous noise of these monstrosities, rockets, two meters long and look as if
they could bring down a small aircraft and once they are airborne, the bang can
only be described as ear drum shattering.
Ten minutes into it, you really are expecting to see any second a
flinching John Simpson in bullet proof jacket detailing and explaining what he
is witnessing.
Where has it all gone wrong? Why is our quest for bigger, louder and
better so insatiable? By wanting such a
lot more we have got immeasurably less.
Rabbit trying his hand at apple bobbing and to be fair to the rabbit, he ain't using no paws.
Ever since Owen Paterson talked about "The Badgers Moving the Goal posts", the wildlife around my house won't leave our goal alone.
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